Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Exam Blues

Id love to write some thing witty and cool but my brain is fired and its goona be like this for the next 17 days till exams are over so please come back and check then il be a little more sane infact il be drunk most likely.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Milford NZ

Pics from This April down in the deep south of the south island

Kashmer I miss you

These are Pics from around Kashmere (the Indian side) shot them start of this year with a good friend of mine Mark Chambers who was working on a story about skiing in India with me which should be published next month.


These are some pics from Cambodia last year. There will be a mulitmedia slideshow with them soon on this site so sit tight its gonna be cool.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Just a few pics of charlie who hit this rail over 20times (hard ass) thank god i got some good pics i would have felt bad.